1·Mae West once said: ' 'It isn't what I do, but how I do it.
2·As Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful".
3·This is going to sound kind of strange, but old Hollywood's Mae West!
这可能听上去有点奇怪,我最喜欢的是好莱坞老牌影星Mae West !
4·He floated in his Mae West for almost three days before he was rescued.
5·Two years later, Mae West died at her home in California. She was eighty-seven.
6·Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.
7·In the middle nineteen twenties, Mae West started to write, produce and act in her own plays.
8·Mae West both starred in and wrote her next film, "I'm No Angel." She played a circus performer.
梅。韦斯特所创作的下一部电影是《I ' m No Angel》(《我不是天使》),她仍然在这部电影中担任主角,她所扮演的是一位马戏演员。
9·When Mae West was about eighteen years old she started performing on Broadway, the famous theater area of New York City.
当梅18岁的时候,她就开始在百老汇演出。 百老汇是美国纽约市著名的演出区。
10·To make this movie, the producers changed the name of the play and its characters. And Mae West brought her intelligence to the film.